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Here’s an overview of our latest blog posts on enterprise search, document intelligence and legal tech.
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Knowledge is the driving force behind production

The Corona crisis requires completely new approaches and solutions in professional cooperation. Without modern knowledge management companies cannot succeed - it has long been the driving force behind production, says Franz Kögl, CEO of IntraFind.

Fast and efficient search in Confluence

With Enterprise Search the intranet becomes a knowledge portal: Users of the content collaboration platform Confluence can easily upgrade their corporate wiki or intranet with the professional search functionality of IntraFind.

Enterprise Search can do more than searching and finding

The benefits of enterprise search software go far beyond the classic company-wide search. Thanks to innovative AI technologies, it can also intelligently interconnect a wide variety of information from different data sources in order to gain insights.

Search and knowledge management for Big Data

With the intelligent full-text search of IntraFind, users of NetApp storage solutions can find relevant information in huge amounts of data within seconds.

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