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Here’s an overview of our latest blog posts on enterprise search, document intelligence and legal tech.
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Why a good search function is important for your website

Who has an Internet page, invests usually much time and money for a good Web appearance. The search function is usually too short. We provide you with five arguments why a good search on the website is worthwhile.

Cognitive Search

As a sales representative, I not only sell iFinder, but also use it myself. As a cognitive search application, it makes my daily work easier. A personal experience report.

How Artificial Intelligence relieves lawyers of standard tasks

Whether due diligence procedures, the analysis of rental contracts or the examination of leasing contracts in accordance with IFRS 16 – lawyers and auditors often have to work through and examine a large number of legal documents under great time pressure. Artificial Intelligence can relieve lawyers of standard tasks.

Contract Analyzer helps with due diligence reviews

In case of company takeovers, corporate lawyers have to examine contracts on a massive scale for possible risks under great time pressure. Contract analysis software such as the Contract Analyzer is an intelligent reading aid that helps save time and ensures that relevant clauses are not overlooked.

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