Here’s an overview of our latest blog posts on enterprise search, document intelligence and legal tech.
Keeping track of tender participations
All companies that participate in tendering procedures to win contracts can tell you a thing or two about it. In addition to the core business, it is very time-consuming to review the often very extensive documents and then to evaluate whether it makes sense to participate. Claus Blank from the Munich-based software manufacturer IntraFind describes a support tool for keeping track of the tender jungle and shows an application scenario.
Is Artificial Intelligence becoming a commodity?
AI expert Breno Faria on the expense of machine learning projects and how he sees the development of artificial intelligence in companies.
AI accelerates and optimizes business processes
AI can do a lot - that is clear. But what are concrete use cases in organizations? IntraFind CEO Franz Kögl shows by means of practical examples how companies and authorities can benefit from the use of AI-based search and analysis tools.
Agility, fast development and high quality code as a goal
Career paths at IntraFind - Dr. Ulrich Reffle in an interview about his tasks and challenges as Product Lead Search at search specialist IntraFind
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