Here’s an overview of our latest blog posts on enterprise search, document intelligence and legal tech.
The tasks and the team spirit must fit
Career paths at IntraFind - Ursula Seisenberger about her role and field of activity in search and text analytics at IntraFind
AI is shaping the future of the data economy
Data has long been traded as a valuable economic asset; from a company's point of view, it is the driver of innovation and growth. But it is only with the help of artificial intelligence that the increasing mountains of data can be used profitably. Companies of all sizes need to raise their awareness of the possibilities of intelligent data use, believes Franz Kögl, CEO of IntraFind.
NLP: A Key Technology for Search Engines and Text Analytics
Modern NLP (Natural Language Processing) / NLU (Natural Language Understandig)-solutions, based on the three keystones of lexicons, rules and machine learning, open up entirely new possibilities, especially in the areas of text search, classification and analysis. Christoph Goller, Head of Research at IntraFind, gives a technology overview.
Cognitive Search = Enterprise Search + AI
When dealing with enterprise search - the company-wide search for data by means of software - the term Cognitive Search comes up again and again. IntraFind CEO Franz Kögl describes what this means and how users can benefit from it.
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