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Here’s an overview of our latest blog posts on enterprise search, document intelligence and legal tech.
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Cognitive Search = Enterprise Search + AI

When dealing with enterprise search - the company-wide search for data by means of software - the term Cognitive Search comes up again and again. IntraFind CEO Franz Kögl describes what this means and how users can benefit from it.

When companies don't listen to their data

Data competence shapes the success of companies. However, most companies do not make enough use of their most valuable asset, and thus do not always make the best decisions, thinks IntraFind CEO Franz Kögl.

Myths about Enterprise Search

Many prejudices circulate about enterprise search: Costly acquisition, complex implementation, nothing for medium-sized businesses. IntraFind CEO Franz Kögl highlights the most common misconceptions and dispels them.

The digital workplace needs a central knowledge infrastructure

Whether in the office, at home or on the road - digital workstations give employees secure access to all the data and applications they need in the company. IntraFind CEO Franz Kögl explains why an intelligent search is an essential prerequisite for this.

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